Skownan First Nation and Mossey River Municipality

Unique Features of this Partnership

Areas of Collaboration – Joint CED Themes

  • Infrastructure Services and Agreements
  • Collaborative Community Events
  • Inclusive Tourism
  • Capacity Development
  • Asset Management
  • Economic Development Strategies
  • Sustainable Fisheries


  • Established a Working Group that meets monthly.
  • Issued a joint media release and announced the partnership at a Treaty 2 150th commemoration event.
  • Participated in CEDI Workshop #1.
  • Participated in CEDI Workshop 2 and on-the-land learning at Skownan bison paddock.
  • Participated in asset-based community development training together.
  • Hosted a community skate event welcoming members of both communities and regional neighbours.

Why Work Together?

“We are excited to participate in this historical initiative with our neighbors at Mossey River Municipality. For generations, our communities shared resources and today we acknowledge that working together to address our shared economic challenges will strengthen our relationship with the local and regional economy and move our communities forward.”

- Councillor Nelson Nepinak

“We are excited to form a relationship with our neighbors and partners, Skownan First Nation. Being chosen one of eight partnerships in Canada to participate in this program is truly an honor. We strive to work towards establishing an effective collaboration that will strengthen our communities and reignite the historical relationships of the past. We look forward to building our local economies and identifying ways that we can continue to progress forward achieving mutual prosperity. We are prepared to put forth our best efforts and work together as one to make this venture a success!”

- Reeve (past) Ron Kostyshyn

Next Steps